Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Is Gay Marriage a Civil Rights Issue?

Arizona, Florida, and my home state of California all had marriage amendments that sought to protect traditional marriage by limiting it's definition to a man and a woman. I have spoken at length about the danger of loosening this definition in the name of accommodating those who seek to do so on a purely political or emotional basis, so I won't belabor that point here.

The votes are in and all 3 states passed their ballot measures (gasp! even Kalee-foor-neea!). So marriage is safe in these states, at least for now...

In listening to Rush Limbaugh, I picked up some interesting data on the voters who passed these measures broken down by race. Keep in mind when you read these numbers that the homosexual lobby has always sought to paint their community as the "new minority" and are constantly trying to draw comparisons between their struggle for "equal rights" and the civil rights struggle of blacks in the 1960's.

Voting "Yes" to strictly define marriage:


Whites: 51%
Blacks: 70%


Whites: 60%
Blacks: 71%


Whites/Hispanics: 55%
Blacks: Yet to tally, but somewhat safe to assume similar results as other 2 states

Effectively, these amendments to protect traditional marriage would not have passed without the black vote. Ironically, if Obama had not been on the ballot, the black vote may not have generated the numbers necessary to pass these amendments. The very community that the homosexual lobby wants so badly to be identified with has spoken loud and clear about whether they feel Gay Marriage is a civil rights issue or not.


Dionne said...

I have to say that I was completely shocked about California. Mainly because so many celebrities had poured so much money into it and because the polls didn't look good.

Its a huge victory to have it pass in those 3 states. I'm thinking of having a silver lining part 2 post tomorrow and to highlight some more things like this.

The dynamic between African Americans and homosexuals is very interesting to me. There is a clear dislike for what reason I don't clearly understand.

But when we overwhelmingly passed the gay marriage ban here in Missouri I will never forget this African American that was voting and came up and asked me which way it was to vote to ban gay marriage. The language was a little confusing. You could tell he was really concerned about accidentally voting the wrong way.

Bullfrog said...

Dee: I was pleasantly surprised as well when the measure passed. Between the "Yes" and "No"campaigns, $70 million was spent to attempt to influence the vote. You can bet alot of that came from celebrities like Brad Pitt, who has vowed not to marry until gays have the same ability to do so under the law.

I am encouraged by the consistent victories from state to state to protect marriage and hope the trend continues. What is tricky about Cali is that gay marriage was legal for a few months, so the state has to decide what to do about thousands of marriages, legal contracts, wills, property agreements, etc now that marriage has been defined.

Having grown up in a predominantly black and mexican neighborhood, and marrying into a black family for 8 years (long story), I can speak from personal experience that black people are socially alot more conservative than most assume. It doesn't surprise me at all that they voted to protect marriage.

I look forward to Silver Lining 2.

Patrick M said...

Congrats on social conservatism winning a victory. This is going to make things more interesting.

It does make me wonder, if blacks are drawn to such things as this, how they are able to reconcile that with their almost blind Democrat party support?

Bullfrog said...

Patrick: I have a theory that it is traditional, passed down from generation to generation since Democrats were more on the conservative side. That is how I started, my grandmother was an old school Democrat and I so was most of my family so I registered as such when I turned 18. Once I started really looking at the issues and doing some critical analysis, I switched to the GOP. Since then, the more I learn, the more I move towards independent.

Rivka said...

Just linked you.

Dee, From what I understand, the black community doesn't like their civil rights issues compared with gay people's issues. The people I have talked to don't think the two are equal and it is offensive to them.

Yes, I heard that on Rush today too. It was pretty interesting.

Mr. Grey Ghost said...

As a Black person I can say that it has ALWAYS been insulting to me for gays to compare their lifestyle choice to my race. Blacks came thru here, on Prop 8, because for many of us gay marriage is a moral issue and many blacks are conservative by nature. No doubt the same gay activists who've been riding the coattails of the civil rights era for decades now, will now call blacks "bigots" and that other infamous buzzword "homophobic", but so be it.

Bullfrog said...

GG: No doubt this statement by the black community will result in the gay lobby throwing them under the bus.

I can't help but wonder if this visible lack of support will hurt the homosexual agenda's desire to align themselves with recognized minority groups.